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​Whether you are a parent of a baby, toddler, child or teen, this course is for you.


Maybe you find yourself in-between stages and are worried that you can’t fulfill every child’s needs?

You can flourish in every season. It is easy to feel discouraged or overwhelmed in our role to prune the children in our lives. Be inspired and encouraged with this journey to improvement. Even if you feel that you have everything under control with the task at hand, but just need confirmation that you are on the right track, this course can equip you to make the most of this important task.


Celebrate your natural abilities and natural gifts.

Growth is always a possibility and we will guide you in how to tweak what needs to be corrected to raise healthy, happy children with character. Together we will learn from our mistakes, forgive and adjust so that we can celebrate growth in your child and yourself. Raising and educating children is complex. So many aspects can affect well-being: temperament (yours and the child’s), the child’s developmental phase, and your natural parenting style all have an effect. Our trained facilitators will guide you to apply these principles in your family and situation – each family is unique.


Choose to walk away from being anxious and feeling that you are not good enough, or even messing things up.

This course will give you a new perspective and you will be able to take a deep breath and start a new chapter with new insight and practical skills for your parenting toolkit.


Join us in the second term of 2025 for a virtual 5-session journey through the Parenting Garden on Wednesday evenings. 

There will be a virtual meeting every 2nd week.  You will also have access to pre-recorded videos to watch before each virtual meetings.

Course Topics

Session 1 - Onboarding

Session 2 - Ready, Steady, Grow

Session 3 - Temperament

Session 4 - Healthy Authority

Session 5 - Discipline with Compassion

​Are you ready for the journey for parenting that feels evergreen in every season? For more information contact Peet Grobbelaar at or


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                                    The Core Values of Evergreen Parenting workshops

                                                          We empower parents to accept that they are God’s Plan A for their family.

                                                          Understand the three core values that make parenting feel evergreen in every season.


                                                WHY ATTEND THE COURSE?


  • Are Mom and Dad on the same page? We believe that parents who understand the different personality types can love their children better.

  • Do you aim for control or influence? Get to know the building blocks of healthy authority to cultivate respectful children that shares your faith.

  • Do you have a clear plan to correct misbehaviour? Ideas on how to effectively discipline in love.



  • Tantrum or emotional outburstsAccidents and forgetfulness

  • Irresponsible with tasks, money, time or privileges

  • Attention seeking behaviour

  • Sibling rivalry

  • Manipulation

  • Disrespect

  • Entitlement

We aim to inspire growth and equip with practical ideas.



Every parent will be inspired and empowered to take up the task of parenting with more courage and confidence. During the course we share our principles and theories (and the WHY behind it) but encourage every person to decide for themselves what it means for them personally, how it applies to their own family and ultimately state their own goals and values.


You can expect an environment with honest open discussions about what really matters when it comes to parenting, but will always be able to choose how much or little you share about your own circumstances. Couples will grow closer to each other and will understand discipline and discipleship on a new level. Solo’s will have options to include their partners, and single parents will find ways to build the village that supports their children.


Be prepared to change the way you do things. Parents write a growth plan for their family; set personal goals; write down the values they want to instil in their children and do a lot of activities and exercises to plan the practical implementation of the newly set goals.



Our Evergreen Parenting facilitators present in three separate workshops – one core value per session.  Each session is 90 minutes long. You receive a workbook for each topic.


Method of presentation
Click below to book.

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